Deborah Samson was an indentured servent.She tutored ten boys, and she wanted to be in the army so she diquised herself as a boy and she was muscular so the guard let her join the army.When they had a war deborah got shot in the thigh by a musket ball, she got taken to a hospital and she wanted to keep her secret so while the doctors back was turned, she got up and limped away.When she got away she took her knife and extracted the bullet from her thigh. She was a spie also and when she was on her way to give the note to someone she got caught by two guards, they took her to this house and threw her in the room. They were going to search her so she memorized what was on the note and she ate it before they could search her.They let her go and she went on to tell that person what was on the note. None would expect a women to be a spie. So she was sucssesful on her mission.